Every spring the same game: the days are getting longer again, the sun is gaining strength, the light and warm hours are increasing. All around, nature awakens from hibernation. Many of us, on the other hand, don’t really want to get going - they struggle with what's known as "spring fatigue".
The symptoms of this subjective mood disorder can be different and vary in severity. Typical signs are excessive tiredness and states of exhaustion. Women with low blood pressure or those with poor physical fitness, older people and young people suffer from this especially. Many people simply feel listless. Others suffer from mood swings, headaches, lack of concentration and even insomnia.
The transition from winter to spring means a big change for our body. To understand how we can positively support our body, here are the main reasons how spring fatigue occurs:
The body must first adapt to the warmer temperatures again. The partly also large fluctuations in temperature and sunlight challenge the heat regulation and the width of our blood vessels changes constantly.
This puts a stress on the circulatory system - with malaise, fatigue and exhaustion.
As daylight increases in spring, it's the turn of the happy hormone serotonin to activate us. The interactions and fluctuations of these hormons are stressing the body until the balance is readjusted to "summer level".
The day-night rhythm, which is well-rehearsed in winter and is now already hormonally challenged, is additionally altered by an hour of "time loss." This can temporarily lead to reduced sleep quality and increased daytime fatigue.
But as soon as spring arrives, it's time to mobilize the body again to get out of winter sluggishness and yawning.
We cannot change the weather or the seasons, but we can learn to adapt better to the given conditions.
Get out of bed, preferably move outside every day and in all weathers and get plenty of sun and light!
Sauna sessions or cold and hot showers/baths can also "artificially" train the body for temperature changes.
Sufficient sleep is very important for physical and mental fitness.
As far as nutrition is concerned, fresh food with lots of vegetables and fruit rich in vitamins and minerals is the way to go.
Keyword: "5 a day" or "Plus 1".
A glass of fruit juice.
Because even a small glass of orange juice, for example, covers half the daily requirement of vitamin C and that helps reduce fatigue and tiredness.
An adequate supply of B vitamins is important because they are important regulators of our energy metabolism.
They are found in milk and dairy products, eggs, nuts as well as whole grains, legumes, and vegetables. Folic acid and vitamin B12 are specifically beneficial for the formation of the mood-boosting serotonin. It is important to know here: Vitamin B12 is found almost exclusively in animal foods (meat, dairy products, eggs). Vegans must therefore switch to fermented products such as sauerkraut, special soy and algae products to prevent a deficiency, or cover their needs with supplements.
In any case, the limpness in the spring should last only temporarily. Many have already overcome it after two weeks, others need longer. Depending on the weather, fatigue can also occur several times in a row. In any case, between our active involvement, we can relax to this extent: These are normal physiological processes that simply require a certain amount of time.