“We’ll always have to eat and drink”. That was the motto of the company's founders in 1919. Despite its ‘stable business’ Rauch too felt the impact of the global financial crisis in 2008. Particularly in eastern Europe.
Jürgen Rauch and his management team didn't forget about that when they began to set the company on a new course in 2010. A global networked world with rapidly changing trends calls for such a large-scale company to become more diverse than ever before.
For several months, the management team got together with more and more experts to develop a strategy for the future under the motto ‘Rauch 2020’. Jürgen Rauch: “It was about genuine sustainability and strengthening our market presence. It was about digitalisation and how we can work more closely together in-house to also be more flexible when reacting to external influences. We had a wonderful, open atmosphere in our meetings which lent a clear guide to our joint efforts. Now it's obvious that all our old ideas really were right on the mark.”
A sample taken from ‘Strategy 2020’. The company extends its assortment to include fresh juices with the Rauch Juice Bar