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    Topic: Drinking – how to stay hydrated

Topic: Drinking – how to stay hydrated

Especially in the hotter weather adequate fluid intake is essential for the optimal functioning of all body functions. One often notices even a slight deficiency immediately, sometimes by getting a headache or even cramps.

The human body is very inefficient (compared to most animals) when it comes to water usage in the body. On the one hand, we lose a lot of fluids every day (breathing, sweating, through urine). On the other hand, we have no way of storing excess fluid in the body for a long period of time or even creating “fluid reserves”. Interestingly enough, people lose between half a liter and a liter of fluid through their skin every day, even under cold conditions. However, this sweat is mainly colourless and odorless. In contrast, the sweat that occurs during physical exertion consists of a predominantly oily substance that only contains part of water.

According to the latest studies, the optimal fluid intake is around 1L per day per 25kg body weight. For an adult, 75kg person, this equates to around 3L per day. In order to cover this amount especially teas are recommended in addition to water. They are generally low in calories, come in many flavors and (depending on the variety) are associated with a wide variety of positive health effects. E.g. Green Matcha, whose active ingredient called "EGCG" is even supposed to have a preventive effect against cancer. Tea also has a very positive effect on the energy metabolism, which can help when it comes to fat burning (provided a healthy diet and appropriate exercise).

Scientific studies also show that tea drinkers suffer less from osteoporosis and cardiovascular diseases. The polyphenols in tea stabilize the “telomeres” (chromosome ends), which allows the cells to divide more frequently and thus benefits its general lifespan.

To all coffee drinkers: Tea is not just for “sleepyheads” - on the contrary: the active ingredient (called “teein”) is also caffeine. The duration of this is even longer with tea than with coffee, since the effect occurs more slowly. The amount of caffeine is less, however. In addition, the organism cannot completely absorb caffeine in tea because it is bound to other substances.

Finally, it should be mentioned that the fluid intake for athletes can also be above the recommendation.

Author: Bernd Österle, 7-facher Mr. Universum