Apple, orange, blackcurrant ... the office staff often smelled the fruits that the production teams were turning into juice. The pneumatic delivery system distributed the aromas throughout the building. But in the spring of 1987 a strange new smell spread ... Gummi Bears? Right: Rauch was filling the first batches of Red Bull
In the previous year Dietrich Mateschitz had asked whether Rauch could fill 250 ml cans and 175 ml bottles. Sure, Rauch could do that. Some people in Rankweil gave this unconventional drink little chance of success - who would buy such small doses of energy drink at such majestic prices? No matter, even small filling contracts bring in money. Nobody suspected at that time that this new drink would one day become a worldwide hit.
Regarding quality, the new customer was extremely demanding, remembers Erich Rauch. "Whether it was a barely visible scratch on the can or a slightly crooked label on the bottle, Red Bull complained about everything. As annoying as that was at the time, we quickly learned. And that meant that we made progress too." Yes, Red Bull really does give you wings.