When Austria joined the EU on 1.1.1995, everyone at Rauch was delighted. Franz Rauch: "The fact that we had been building our products into strong brands for decades was now paying off." Finally, the borders were gone and the company could begin to conquer the markets on its doorstep.
In Italy, Rauch had already established a sales office in Milan back in 1993. The small team was faced with a tricky task: from Bolzano to Palermo the people of Italy bought "Succo di mela" (apple juice) and the like in nice 0.2 litre bottles and of course "fatto in Italia" (made in Italy). Basta. So Rauch's small Italian team placed 0.2 litre and 1 litre packs of 100% Happy-Day juices on the market. The results were meagre.
Then they noticed the gap in the market: what did not exist in all of Italy was inexpensive fruit juice. Rauch already had the ideal product for this in its range and it even had an Italian brand name: Bravo Orange Nectar, available in a 2-litre carton. In Esselunga, a major retail chain in northern Italy, they found a strong partner for this idea. The plan was a complete success and within 7 years Rauch had become one of the leading juice brands in Italy, too
bravo chimed perfectly with the taste of Italian customers: bravo orange nectar in the 2 litre pack was the breakthrough product for Rauch - even with German product variety names in the first few years.