For 100 years, every Rauch product has been the joint achievement of a large number of people. In the beginning this was a small crowd in Rankweil, but today more than 1,900 people at 15 different sites all doing the best possible job they can, be it at the filling plant or in customer support, in the laboratory or in the marketing workshop.
Most of them enjoy working at Rauch and do so for a long time, on average over 8 years. After all, there are not many employers who respond as individually to the needs of their employees as Rauch does. But hardly anyone outside the company knows about it.
This is why Rauch launched the "Employer Branding" project in spring 2018: a large team with representatives from all areas and two members of management set about collecting ideas of what Rauch stands for as an employer in order to get to the heart of the matter.
This was not at all easy, because instead of large, off the peg "benefits packages" that look great in recruitment campaigns, Rauch has for a long time relied on a simple principle: talk to each other and find a suitable solution together. For example, the more than 100 working time models in use today have been created to achieve a good balance between private and professional interests in almost every situation. The company also helps in times of crisis, enabling a very individual return to work after a serious illness, for example.
After many discussions with colleagues from all areas of the company and following several workshops, the project team agreed on the core concept in December 2018: as an employer, Rauch is "tailored to the individual". Since then, several teams have been working on measures that will bring this very appropriate core idea to life in a powerful way.